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Isola, C., Granger, S., Turner, N., LeBlanc, M.M., & Barling, J. (2023). Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence, Partner Interference, and Family Supportive Supervision on Victims’ Work WithdrawalOccupational Health Science, 7, 483–508.


Barling, J., Granger, S., Weatherhead, J., Turner, N., & Pupco, S. (2023). Early family socioeconomic status and later leader role emergence: A multi-context, multi-source lifespan study. Journal of Organizational Behavior.


Cloutier, A., & Barling, J. (2023). Expectations of Leaders’ Mental Health. Leadership and Organization Developmental Journal.


Pupco, S., & Barling, J. (2023). It All Begins When You Are a Graduate Student. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 16, 237-241


Suurd Ralph, C., & Barling, J. (in press). Leader Inconsistency, Subjective Attitude Ambivalence and Follower Outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology.


Barling, J., Weatherhead, J., Pupco, S., Turner, N., & Montgomery, A. (2022). Contextual, Interpersonal, and Personal Predictors of Young Adults' Affective-Identity Motivation to Lead. Leadership and Organization Development Journal.


Cloutier, A., & Barling, J. (in press). Witnessing Interparental Violence and Leader Role Occupancy: The Roles of Insecure Attachment and Gender. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.


Lyubykh, Z., Gulseren, D., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Seifert, M. (2022). Shared Transformational Leadership and Safety Behaviors of Employees, Leaders, and Teams: A Multilevel InvestigationJournal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95, 431-458.


Lyubykh, Z., Dupré, K.E., Barling, J., & Turner, N. (2022). Retaliating against abusive supervision with aggression and violence: The moderating role of organizational intolerance of aggression. Work & Stress, 36, 164-182.


Lyubykh, Z., Turner, N., Barling, J., Reich, T.C., & Batten, S. (2021). Employee disability disclosure and managerial prejudices in the return-to-work context. Personnel Review, 50, 770-778.


Turner, N., Barling, J., Dawson, J.F., Deng, C., Parker, S.K., Patterson, M.G., & Stride, C.B. (2021). Human resource management and organizational injury rates. Journal of Safety Research, 78, 69-79.


Arnold, K.A., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Iverson, R. (in press). Feeling safe while doing sex work: Motivation for entering sex work moderates the relationship between perceptions of physical danger and desire to leave sex work. Safety Science.


Lyubykh, Z., Turner, N., Barling, J., Reich, T.C., & Batten, S. (2021). Employee disability disclosure and managerial prejudices in the return to work context. Personnel Review, 50, 770-778.


Carleton, E. L., & Barling, J. (2020, April 30). Indirect effects of obstructive sleep apnea treatments on work withdrawal: A quasi-experimental treatment outcome study. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology


Turner, N., Deng, C, Barling, J. & Spencer, K. (in press). Differential mental health consequences of strikes and lockouts. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science.


Dionisi, A., & Barling, J. (2019). What happens at home doesn’t stay at home: The role of family and romantic partner conflict in destructive leadership. Stress and Health, 35, 304-317. 


Carleton, E., & Barling, J. (2018). Adult ADHD Symptoms and Passive Leadership: The Mediating Role of Daytime Sleepiness. Stress and Health, 34, 663-673.


Dionisi, A. M., & Barling, J. (2018). It hurts me too: Examining the relationship between male gender harassment and observers’ well-being, attitudes, and behaviors. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23(3), 303-319.


Carleton, E. L., Barling, J., & Trivisonno, M. (2018). Leaders’ trait mindfulness and transformational leadership: The mediating roles of leaders’ positive affect and leadership self-efficacy. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 50(3), 185-194.


Barling, J., Akers, A., & Beiko, D. (2018). The impact of positive and negative intraoperative surgeons’ leadership behaviors on surgical team performanceAmerican Journal of Surgery.


Byrne, A., & Barling, J. (2017). Does a woman’s high-status career hurt her marriage? Not if her husband does the laundry. Harvard Business Review.


Byrne, A., & Barling, J. (2017). When she brings home the job status: Wives; Non-normative job status inconsistencies, status leakage and marital instability. Organization Science, 28(2), 177-192. 


Robertson, J., & Barling, J. (2017). Toward a new measure of organizational environmental citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research, 75, 57-66.


Barling, J., & Cloutier, A. (2017). Leaders’ mental health at work: Empirical, methodological and policy directions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.


Beiko, D., Barling, J., Houle, A.M., Davies, T.O., & Oake, J.S. (2016). Exploring the business of urology: Leadership. Canadian Urological Association Journal, 10, 241-245.


Barling, J., & Weatherhead, J. (2016). Persistent exposure to poverty during childhood limits later leader emergence. Journal of Applied Psychology.


Barling, J., & Frone, M.R. (2016). If only my leader would just do something! Passive leadership undermines employee well-being through role stressors and psychological resource depletion. Stress and Health.


Carleton, E., Barling, J., Christie, A., Trivisonno, M., Tulloch, K., & Beachamp, M. (2016). Scarred for the rest of my career? Career-long effects of abusive leadership on professional athlete aggression and task performance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.


Robertson, J., & Barling, J. (2016). Contrasting the nature and effects of environmentally-specific and general transformational leadership. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.


Dupre, K.E., & Barling, J.(2015). Organizational safety and outcomes for families. Psynopsis, 12-13.


Dionisi, A.M., & Barling, J. (2015).  Spillover and crossover of sex-based harassment from work to home: Supervisor gender harassment affects romantic relationship functioning via targets' anger.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 196-215.


Byrne, A., Dionisi, A., Barling, J., Akers, A., Robertson, J., Lys, R., Wylie, J., & Dupré, K. (2014). The Depleted Leader: The influence of leaders' diminished psychological resources on leadership behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, 25, 344-357.


LeBlanc, M., Barling, J., & Turner, N. (2014). Intimate partner aggression and women's work outcomes. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19, 399-412. doi: 10.1037/a0037184


Dupré, K., Dawes, K., & Barling, J. (2014). Harm to those who serve: Effects of direct and vicarious customer-initiated workplace aggression. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29, 2355-2357.


Beauchamp, M. R., Liu, Y., Morton, K. L., Martin, L. J., Wilson, A. H., Wilson, A. J., Sylvester, B. D., Zumbo, B. D., & Barling, J. (2014). Transformational Teaching and Adolescent Physical Activity: Multilevel and Mediational Effects. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21, 537-546. 

Bergenwall, A., Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J. (2014). Odd jobs, bad habits and ethical implications: Smoking-related outcomes of children's early employment intensity. Journal of Business Ethics, 122, 269-282.


Christie, A.M. & Barling, J. (2014). When what you want is what you get: Pay dispersion and communal sharing preference. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 63, 541-563.


Byrne, A., Barling, J., & Dupré, K.E. (2014). Leader apologies and employee and leader well-being. Journal of Business Ethics, 121, 91-106.


Hoption, C.B., Turner, N., & Barling, J. (2013) It's not you, it's me: Transformational leadership and self-deprecating humor. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 34, 4-19.


Robertson, J.& Barling, J. (2013). Greening organizations through leaders' influence on employees' pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34, 176-194.


Dionisi, A.M., Barling, J., & Dupré, K. (2012). Revisiting the comparative outcomes of workplace aggression and sexual harassment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14, 398-408.


Hoption, C.B., Christie, A., & Barling, J. (2012). Submitting to the Follower Label: Followership, Positive Affect and Extra-Role Behaviors. Journal of Psychology, 220(4), 221-230. (Special Issues: "Followercentric Approaches to Leadership").


Simola, S.K., Barling, J., & Turner, N. (2012). Transformational leadership and leaders’ mode of care reasoning. Journal of Business Ethics, 108, 229-237.


Kelloway, E.K., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Loughlin, C.A. (2012). Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadershipWork and Stress, 26, 39-55.


Christie, A., Barling, J. A., & Turner, N.  (2011). Pseudo-transformational leadership: Model specification and outcomes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 2943-2984.


Morton, K., Barling, J., Beauchamp, M., Masse, L., Zumbo, D., & Rhodes, R.E. (2011). The Application of Transformational Leadership Theory to Parenting: Questionnaire Development and Implications for Adolescent Self-Regulatory Efficacy and Life Satisfaction. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 33, 688-709.


Beauchamp, M.R., Barling, J., & Morton, K. (2011) Transformational Teaching and Adolescent Self-determined motivation, self-efficacy, and intentions to engage in leisure time physical activity: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 3, 127-150.


Mendelson, M.B., Turner, N., & Barling, J.  (2011). Perceptions of the presence and effectiveness of high involvement work systems and their relationship to employee attitudes: A test of competing modelsPersonnel Review, 40, 45-69.


Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J. (2010). Leadership development as an intervention in occupational health psychology. Work and Stress, 24, 260-279.


Dupré, K., Barling, J., Turner, N., & Stride, C.B. (2010). Comparing Perceived Injustices from Supervisors and Romantic Partners as Predictors of Aggression. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,15, 359-370.


Beauchamp, M.R., Barling, J., Li, Z., Morton, K.L., Keith, S.E., & Zumbo, B.D. (2010). Development and psychometric properties of the Transformational Teaching Questionnaire. Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 1123-1134.


Christie, A., & Barling, J. (2010). Beyond status: Relating status inequality to performance and health in teamsJournal of Applied Psychology, 95, 920-934.


Hershcovis, M.S., & Barling, J. (2010). Comparing victim attributions and outcomes for workplace aggression and sexual harassment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 874-888.


Morton, K.L., Barling, J., Rhodes, R.E., Masse, L., Zumbo, B.D., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2010). Extending transformational leadership theory to parenting and adolescent health behaviors: An integrative and theoretical review. Health Psychology Review, 4, 128-157.


Inness, M., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Stride, C.B. (2010). Transformational leadership and employee safety performance: A within-person, between-job design. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15, 279-290.


Tucker, S., Turner, N., Barling, J., & McEvoy, M. (2010). Transformational leadership and children’s aggression in team setting: A short-term, longitudinal study. Leadership Quarterly, 21, 389-399.


Simola, S.K., Barling, J., & Turner, N. (2010). Transformational leadership and leader moral orientation: Contrasting an ethic of justice and an ethic of care. Leadership Quarterly, 21, 179-188.


Hershcovis, M. S & Barling, J. (2010). Towards a multi-foci approach to workplace aggression: A meta-analytic review of outcomes from different perpetrators. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 31, 24-44.


Barling, J., Dupré, K. E., & Kelloway, E. K. (2009). Predicting workplace aggression and violence. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 671-692.


Christie, A.M., & Barling, J. (2009). Disentangling the Indirect Links between SES and Health: The dynamic roles of work stressors and personal control. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1466-1478.


Inness, M., LeBlanc, M., & Barling, J. (2008). Psychosocial predictors of supervisor-, peer-, subordinate-, and  service provider-targeted aggression. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 1401-1411.


Barling, J., Christie, A., & Turner, N.  (2008) Pseudo-transformational leadership: Toward the development and test of a model. Journal of Business Ethics, 81, 851-861.


Inness, M., Barling, J., Turner, N., & Rogers, K. (2007). De-marketing tobacco through price changes and consumer attempts to quit smoking.  Journal of Business Ethics, 77, 405-416.


Arnold, K.A., Turner, N., Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & McKee, M. (2007).  Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: The mediating role of meaningful work. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12, 193-203.


Carson, J., Barling, J., & Turner, N. (2007). Group alcohol climate, alcohol consumption, and student performance. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice, 11, 31-41.


Zacharatos, A., Hershcovis, M.S., Turner, N., & Barling, J. (2007).  Human resource management in the North American automobile industry: A meta-analysis.  Personnel Review, 36, 231-254.


Hershcovis, S., Turner, N., Barling, J, Arnold, L., Dupré, K., Inness, M., Leblanc, M., & Sivanathan, N. (2007).  Predicting workplace aggression: A meta-analytic approach.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 228-238.


Dupré, K., Inness, M., Connelly, C.E., Barling, J., & Hoption, C.  (2006). Workplace aggression in teenage part-time employees.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 987-997.


Dupré, K., & Barling, J. (2006). Predicting and preventing supervisory workplace aggression.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11, 13-26.


Tucker, S., Turner, N., Barling, J., Reid, E., & Elving, C. (2006).  Apologies and transformational leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 63, 195-207.


Barling, J. (2005).  Editorial: “And now, the time has come…”.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,10, 307-309.


Inness, M., Barling, J., & Turner, N. (2005). Understanding supervisor-targeted aggression:  A within-person, between-jobs design.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 731-739.


Zacharatos, A., Barling, J., & Iverson, R.D. (2005).  High performance work systems and occupational safety.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 77-93.


Francis, L., & Barling, J. (2005). Organizational injustice and psychological strain.  Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 37, 250-261.


LeBlanc, M. M., & Barling, J. (2004). Workplace aggression.  Current Directions in Psychological Science,13,  9-12.


Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & Iverson, R.D.  (2003). High quality work, job satisfaction and occupational injuries.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 276-283.


Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & Iverson, R.D. (2003). Accidental outcomes: Attitudinal consequences of workplace injuries.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 8, 74-85.


Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., Kelley, E., Comtois, J., & Gaiten, B. (2003).  Remote transformational leadership.  Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 24(3), 163-171.


Barling, J., Loughlin, C., & Kelloway, E.K. (2002).  Development and test of a model linking safety-specific transformational leadership and occupational safety.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 488-496.


Turner, N., Barling, J., Epitropaki, O., Butcher, B.,  & Milner, C.  (2002). Transformational leadership and moral reasoning.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 304-311.


Barling, J. (2002).  Editorial.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 7, 1-2.


Kelloway, K., Loughlin, C., Barling, J., & Nault, A. (2002). Counterproductive and organizational citizenship behaviours: separate but related constructs. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 10(1-2), 143-151.


Barling, J., Rogers, A.J., & Kelloway, E.K.  (2001). Behind closed doors:  Organizational and personal consequences of sexual harassment and workplace violence for in-home workers.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6, 255-269.


Loughlin, C., & Barling, J. (2001).  Young workers' work values, attitudes, and behaviours.  Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74, 543-558. (Invited article in special centennial issue of the British Psychological Society.)


Arnold, K.A., Barling, J. & Kelloway, E.K. (2001). Transformational leadership or the iron cage: Which predicts trust, commitment and team efficacy? Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 22,  315-320.


Hepburn, C.G., & Barling, J.  (2001). To vote or not to vote:  Abstaining in union representation elections. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, 569-592.


Charbonneau, D., Barling, J., & Kelloway, E.K. (2001). Transformational leadership and sports performance: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1521-1534.


Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J.  (2000). Knowledge work as organizational behavior.  International Journal of Management Reviews, 2, 287-304.


Barling, J. (2000).  Editorial.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5, 1-2.


Barling, J. (2000). A response to Kokko and Pulkkinen's "Aggression in childhood and long-term unemployment in adulthood." Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 33. Available on the World Wide Web:

Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J. (2000).  What we have learned about developing transformational leaders. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 21, 355-362.


Zacharatos, A., Barling, J., & Kelloway, E.K.  (2000) Development and effects of transformational leadership in adolescents.  Leadership Quarterly, 11, 211-226.


Barling, J., Slater, F., & Kelloway, E.K. (2000).  Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence:  An exploratory study.  Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 21, 157-161.


Barling, J., & Hutchinson, I. (2000). Commitment vs. control-oriented safety practices, safety reputation and perceived safety climate.  Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 17, 76-84.


Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J. (2000, June/July).  Developing transformational leaders:  How do you do it and does it matter?  HR Professional, 45-49.


Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., & Helleur, J. (2000).  Enhancing transformational leadership:  The roles of training and feedback. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 21, 145-149.


Barling, J., Zacharatos, A., & Hepburn, C.G. (1999).  Parents’ job insecurity affects children’s academic performance through cognitive difficulties.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 437-444.


Barling, J., & Mendleson, M.B.  (1999). Parents’ job insecurity affects children’s grade school performance via the mediating effect of beliefs in an unjust world and negative mood.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 4, 347-355.


Greenberg, L., & Barling, J.  (1999).  Predicting employee aggression against coworkers, subordinates and supervisors.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 897-913.


Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J. (1999). When children work: implications for youth, society and organizations.  International Journal of Management Reviews, 1, 159-170.


Sauter, S.L., Hurrell, J.J., Fox, H., Tetrick, L.E., & Barling, J.  (1999). Occupational health psychology:  An emerging discipline.  Industrial Health, 37, 199-211.


Barling, J., Dupré, K., & Hepburn, C.G. (1998).  Effects of parents’ job insecurity on children’s work beliefs and attitudesJournal of Applied Psychology, 83, 112-118. (Translated into Polish and reprinted as:  “Wplpw poczucia niepewnosci zawodowej rodzicow na prezentowane prezez ich dzieci przekonania I postawy wobec pracy” Wychowanie na co dzien, 1998, 7-10.)


Loughlin, C.A., & Barling, J.  (1998). Teenagers’ part-time employment and their work-related attitude and aspirations.  Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 19, 197-207.


Dekker, I., & Barling, J. (1998).  Personal and organizational predictors of workplace sexual harassment of women by men. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3, 7-18.


Adams-Roy, J., & Barling, J. (1998). Predicting the decision to confront or report sexual harassment. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 19, 329-336.


Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., & Harvey, S.  (1998). Changing employment relations:  What can unions do? Canadian Psychology, 39, 124-132.


Wright, B., & Barling, J.  (1998). “The executioner’s song”:  Listening to downsizers reflect on their experiences.  Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 15, 339-355.


Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., & Carroll, A.  (1998). Perceived causes and consequences of property rights to jobs.  Journal of Business and Psychology, 12, 505-514.


Dekker, I., Greenberg, L., & Barling, J. (1998). Predicting union attitudes in student part-time workers. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 30, 49-55.


Stewart, W., & Barling, J. (1996). Fathers’ work experiences effect children’s behavior via job-related affect and parenting behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 221-232.


Barling, J., Weber, T.  & Kelloway, E.K. (1996). Effects of transformational leadership training on attitudinal and financial outcomes: A field experiment.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 827-832.


Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., & Agar, S. (1996).  Pre-employment predictors of children’s union attitudes: The moderating role of identification with parents.  Journal of Social Psychology, 136, 413-415.


Barling, J., Dekker, I., Loughlin, C., Kelloway, E.K., Fullagar, C., & Johnson, D. (1996).  Prediction and replication of the organizational and personal consequences of workplace sexual harassment.  Journal of Managerial Psychology, 11(5), 4-25.


Hepburn, C.G., & Barling, J. (1996).  Eldercare responsibilities, interrole conflict and employee absence: A daily study.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 1, 311-318.


Steele, J., & Barling, J. (1996). Influence of maternal sex-role beliefs and role satisfaction on daughters’ vocational interests. Sex Roles, 34, 637-648.


Barling, J., & Kelloway, E.K. (1996). Job insecurity and health: The moderating role of workplace control. Stress Medicine, 12, 253-260.


Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & Cheung, D. (1996).  Time management and achievement striving interact to predict car sales performance.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 821-826.


Stewart, W., & Barling, J. (1996). Daily work stressors, mood and interpersonal job performance:  A meditational model. Work and Stress, 4, 336-351.

Dekker, I., Barling, J., & Kelloway, E.K. (1996).  Work force size and multifaceted job satisfaction:  A cross-national investigation.  Journal of Social Psychology, 136, 201-208.


Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & Rogers, K., (1995).  Some effects of teenagers’ part-time employment:  The quantity and quality of work make the difference.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16, 143-154. (Reprinted in: Stone, P., & Cannon, M. (Eds). (1997) Organizational psychology (Volume 3) (pp. 145-156).  UK:  Ashgate.


Barling, J., & Boswell, R. (1995).  Work performance and the achievement striving and impatient-irritability dimensions of type A behaviour.  Applied Psychology:  An International Review, 44, 143-153.


MacEwen, K.E., Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & Higginbottom, S.F. (1995).  Predicting retirement anxiety:  The roles of parental socialization and personal planning.  Journal of Social Psychology, 135, 203-213.


Dekker, I., & Barling, J. (1995).  Workforce size and role-related stress.  Work and Stress, 9, 45-54.


Barling, J. (1995).  Work and family:  In search of the missing links.  Employee Counselling Today, 7 (7), 18-27.  (Reprinted from the Journal of Employee Assistance Research, 1992, I, with permission).


Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & Fullagar, C. (1995).  The role of transformational leadership in shop steward effectiveness.  Workplace Topics, 4(2), 59-70.

MacEwen, K.E., & Barling, J. (1994).  Maternal employment experiences affect children’s behavior via mood, cognitive difficulties and parenting behavior:  A reply to Otto and Atkinson.  Journal of Marriage and the Family, 56, 507-510.


Barling, J., MacEwen, K.E., Kelloway,  E.K., & Higginbottom, S.F. (1994). Predictors and outcomes of elder care-based interrole conflict. Psychology and Aging, 9, 391-397.


Henningfield, J.E., Ramstrom, L.M., Husten, C., Giorino, G., Barling, J., Weber, C., Kelloway, E.K., Strecher, V.J., & Jarvis, M.J. (1994). Smoking and the workplace:  Realities and solutions.  Journal of Smoking-Related Diseases, 5, 261-270.


MacEwen, K.E., & Barling, J. (1994).  Daily consequences of work interference with family and family interference with work.  Work and Stress, 8, 244-254.


Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J. (1993). Member’s participation in local union activities:  Measurement, prediction, replication.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 262-279.


Barling, J., MacEwen, K.E., & Nolte, M.L. (1993). Homemaker role experiences affect toddler behaviors via maternal well-being and parenting behavior.  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 21, 213-229.


Kelloway, E.K., Barling, J., & Shah, A.  (1993). Industrial relations stress and job satisfaction: Concurrent effects and mediation. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 14, 447-458.


Higginbottom, S., Barling, J., & Kelloway, E.K. (1993).  Linking retirement experiences and marital satisfaction:  A mediational model. Psychology and Aging, 8, 508-516.


MacEwen, K., & Barling, J. (1993). Type A behavior and marital satisfaction:  Differential effect of achievement striving and impatience/irritability. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55, 1001-1010.


Barling, J., & Phillips, M. (1993). Interactional, formal and distributive justice in the workplace:  An exploratory study.  Journal of Psychology, 127, 649-656.


Barling, J., & MacIntyre, A. (1993).  Daily work role stress, mood and emotional exhaustion.  Work and Stress, 7, 315-325.


Barling, J., & Charbonneau, D. (1992).  Disentangling the relationship between achievement striving and impatience-irritability dimensions of type A behaviour, performance and health.  Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 13, 369-377.


MacEwen, K., Barling, J., & Kelloway, E.K. (1992).  Effects of short-term role overload on marital interactions Work and Stress, 6, 117-126.


Barling, J., & MacEwen, K.E. (1992). Linking work experiences with facets of marital functioning.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 573-584.


Barling, J., Fullagar, C., Kelloway, E.K., & McElvie, L. (1992). Union loyalty and strike propensity.  Journal of Social Psychology, 132, 581-590.


Barling J. (1992). Work and family: In search of the missing links. Journal of Employee Assistance Research,1, 271-285.


Fullagar, C., Barling, J., & Christie, P. (1991).  Dual commitment in aggressive and protective unions. Applied Psychology:  An International Review, 40, 93-104.


Fullagar, C., & Barling, J. (1991). Predictors and outcomes of different patterns of organizational and union loyalty.  Journal of Occupational Psychology, 64, 129-143.


Barling, J. (1991).  Work and life: Getting it all together.  Contemporary Psychology, 36, 509-510.


Barling, J., Kelloway, E.K., & Bremermann, E.H. (1991). Pre-employment predictors of union attitudes:  The role of family socialization and work beliefs.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 725-731.


MacEwen K.E., & Barling, J. (1991).  Maternal employment experiences affect children’s behaviour via mood, cognitive difficulties and parenting behavior.  Journal of Marriage and the Family, 53, 635-644.


Barling, J., & MacEwen, K.E. (1991).  Maternal employment experiences, attention problems and behavioural performance:  A mediational model.  Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 12, 495-505.


Kelloway, E.K., & Barling J. (1991).  Job characteristics, role stress and mental health.  Journal of Occupational Psychology , 64, 291-304.


Barling, J., Kryl, I.P., & Bluen, S.D. (1990). “Finally, all the questionnaires are back”:  Bias in the time taken to return survey questionnaires.  Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 177-180.


Barling, J., Wade, W.C., & Fullagar, C. (1990). Predicting employee commitment to company and union:  Divergent models.  Journal of Occupational Psychology, 63, 49-61.


Bluen, S.D., Barling, J., & Burns, W. (1990). Predicting sales performance, job satisfaction and depression by using the achievement strivings and impatience-irritability dimensions of Type A behavior.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 212-216.


Barling J., Bluen, S.D., & Moss, V. (1990). Dimensions of  Type A behavior and marital dissatisfaction. Journal of Psychology, 124, 311-319.


Barling, J., & Kryl, I. (1990). Moderators of the relationship between daily work stress and mood.  Work and Stress, 4, 319-329.


Kelloway, E.K., & Barling, J. (1990). Item content vs. item wording:  Disentangling role conflict and role ambiguity.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 738-742.


Fullagar, C., & Barling, J. (1989). A longitudinal test of a model of the antecedents and consequences of union loyalty. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 213-227.


O’Leary, K.D., Barling, J., Arias, I., Rosenbaum, A., Malone, J., & Tyree, A. (1989). Prevalence and stability of physical aggression between spouses:  A longitudinal analysis.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57, 263-268.


Barling J., Fullagar, C., & Marchl-Dingel, J. (1988).  Employment commitment as a moderator of the maternal employment/child behaviour relationship.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 9, 113-122.


Barling J. MacEwen, K.E., & Pratt, L. (1988).  Manipulating the type and source of social support:  An experimental investigation. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 20, 140-154.


Barling, J. (1988). Industrial relations:  A blind spot in the teaching, research and practice of I/O psychology. Canadian Psychology, 29, 103-108.


MacEwen, K.E., & Barling, J. (1988). Interrole conflict, family support and marital functioning in employed mothers:  A short-term, longitudinal study.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 9, 241-250.


MacEwen, K.E., & Barling, J. (1988). Multiple stressors, violence in the family of origin and marital aggression:  A longitudinal investigation.  Journal of Family Violence, 3, 73-87.


Barling, J., & MacEwen, K.E. (1988). A multitrait-multimethod matrix of four maternal employment role experiences.  Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 9, 335-344.


Barling, J., & Milligan, J. (1987).  Some psychological consequences of striking:  A six month longitudinal analysis.  Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 8, 127-137.(Reprinted and distributed by the Industrial Relations Centre, Reprint Series No. 71, Queen’s University).


Barling, J., Bluen, S.D., & Fein, R. (1987). Psychological functioning following an acute disaster.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, 683-690.


Jouriles, E., Barling, J., & O’Leary, K.D. (1987).  Predicting behavioral problems in maritally violent homes. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 15, 165-173.


Bluen, S.D., & Barling, J. (1987). Stress in the industrial relations process:  Development of the Industrial Relations Events Scale. South African Journal of Psychology, 17, 151-159.


Barling, J., O’Leary, K.D., Jouriles, E., Vivian, D., & MacEwen, K.E. (1987). Factor similarity of the Conflict Tactics Scales across samples, spouses and sites:  Issues and implications. Journal of Family Violence, 2, 37-53.


Barling, J., & Rosenbaum, A. (1986).  Work stressors and wife abuse.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 346-348.


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Barling, J., & Bullen, G. (1985).  Dietary factors and hyperactivity:  A failure to replicate.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 146, 117-123.


Marks, M.P., & Barling, J. (1985). Does understanding of social learning principles influence children’s behavior? Journal of Genetic Psychology, 146, 501-506.


Barling, J., & Van Bart, D. (1984).  Mothers’ subjective work experiences and the behaviour of their nursery school children. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 57, 49-56.


Barling, J., (1984). Effects of husbands’ work experiences on wives’ marital satisfaction.  Journal of Social Psychology, 124, 219-225.


Barling, J., & Jannsens, P. (1984). Work stressors, gender differences and psychosomatic health problems. South African Journal of Psychology, 14, 50-53.


Barling, J., & Barenbrug, A. (1984). Some personal consequences of flexible work schedules. Journal of Social Psychology, 123, 137-138.


Barling J., & Fullagar, C. (1983). Children’s attitudes to television commercials: An alternative perspective.Journal of Psychology, 113, 25-30.


Fullagar, C., & Barling, J. (1983). Social learning theory:  An alternative approach to advertising effectiveness. South African Journal of Psychology, 13, 18-22.


Barling, J., & Beattie, J. (1983). Self-efficacy beliefs and sales performance.  Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 5, 41-51.


Barling, J., & Abel, M. (1983).  Self-efficacy beliefs and tennis performance.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 7, 265-272.


Barling, J., & Snipelisky, B. (1983).  Assessing the determinants of children’s academic self-efficacy beliefs:  A replication.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 7, 371-376.


Simon, M., & Barling, J. (1983). Self-efficacy beliefs and racial behaviours in male children. South African Journal of Psychology, 13, 71-76.


Barling, J. (1983). Behavior therapy on South Africa. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 14, 369.


Bluen, S.D., & Barling, J. (1983). Work values in White South African males.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 14, 329-335.


Barling, J. (1982). Self-determined performance standards and attributional style in children’s scholastic performance.  British Journal of Educational Psychology, 52, 100-103.


Steele, K.L., & Barling, J. (1982). Self-instruction and learning disabilities: Maintenance, generalization and subject characteristics.  Journal of Psychology, 106, 141-154.


Barling, J. (1982). Are you a candidate for a heart attack? Management, November.  34, 37, 39, 41.


Barling, J., & Bresgi, I. (1982). Cognitive factors in athletic (swimming) performance:  A failure to replicate. Journal of Psychology.


Barling, J. (1982). Maternal antecedents of children’s multidimensional locus of control beliefs.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 140, 155-156.


Barling, J. (1982). Developmental trends in children’s psychological conservatism:  A rejoinder to Powell and Stewart.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 140, 311-312.


Keyser, V., & Barling, J. (1981).  Determinants of children’s self-efficacy beliefs in an academic environment.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 5, 29-40.


Barling, J. (1981).  Developmental trends in children’s psychological conservatism:  A failure to replicate. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 138, 143-144.


Barling, J. (1981). A cross-cultural test of Maslow’s motivation theory in industry.  South African Journal of Psychology, 11, 47-51.


Barling, J., & Bolon, K. (1981). Effects of alcohol, expectancies, sex and social setting on locus of control. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 42, 680-683.


Lentsoane, S.J., & Barling, J. (1980).  Perceived leadership behaviour and dimensions of job satisfaction in Indian and White salesmen in South Africa.  South African Journal of Psychology, 10, 62.


Barling, J., & Fincham, F.D. (1980).  Alcohol, psychological conservatism and sexual interest in male social drinkers.  Journal of Social Psychology, 112, 135-144.


Bolon, K., & Barling J. (1980). Multidimensional locus of control: The case of white South African students. Journal of Social Psychology, 111, 295-296.


Barling J., & Bolon, K. (1980). The measurement of self-rated depression:  A multidimensional approach. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 137, 309-310.


Barling, J. (1980). Multidimensional locus of control beliefs among South African mothers.  Journal of Social Psychology, 111, 295-296. 


Barling, J. (1980). Factor structure of children’s locus of control beliefs:  A cross-cultural approach.  Journal of Social Psychology, 111, 143-144.


Gluckman, S., & Barling,  J. (1980). Effects of a remedial program on visual-motor perception in spinal bifida children.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 136, 195-202.


Barling J., & Patz, M. (1980). Differences following self-and external reinforcement as a function of locus of control and age: A social learning analysis.  Personality and Individual Differences, 1, 79-85.


Barling, J. (1980). Performance standards and reinforcement effects on children’s academic performance:  A test of social learning theory.  Cognitive Therapy and Research, 4, 409-418.


Barling, J. (1980). A multi-stage, multi-dependent variable assessment of normal children’s self-regulation of academic performance.  Child Behavior Therapy, 2, (2 ), 43-54.


Barling, J. (1979). Verbal proficiency:  A confounding variable in the reliability of children’s attitude scales? Child Development, 50, 1254-1256.


Barling, J., & Wainstein, T. (1979). Attitudes, labelling bias and behavior modification in work organizations.  Behavior Therapy, 10, 129-136.


Barling, J., & Fincham, F.D. (1979). Effects of self-and externally imposed reinforcement (material and social) on intelligence test performance of above-average IQ children.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 135, 63-70.


Barling, J., & Fincham, F.D. (1979). Maslow’s need hierarchy and dimensions of perceived locus of control. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 134, 313-314.


Barling, J., & Fincham, F.D. (1979). Cultural and sexual effects on children’s psychological conservatism. Journal of Social Psychology, 107, 15-21.


Fincham, F.D., & Barling, J. (1979). The effects of alcohol on moral functioning in male social drinkers. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 134, 79-88.


Barling, J., & Fincham, F.D. (1979). The effects of alcohol on psychological conservatism.  Journal of Social Psychology, 107, 129-130.


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Barling, J. (1979). Children’s psychological conservatism and social desirability. South African Journal of Psychology, 9, 153.


Barling, J. (1979). Toward a definition of behavior modification.  Psychotherapeia, 5, 2-6.


Bolon, K., & Barling, J. (1979). Alcohol, expectancies and social setting effects on depression.  South African Journal of Psychology, 10, 46-49.


Fincham, F.D., & Barling, J. (1978). Locus of control and generosity in learning disabled, normal achieving and gifted children. Child Development, 49, 530-533.


Barling J., & Fincham, F.D. (1978).  Locus of control beliefs in male and female Indian and White schoolchildren in South Africa.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 9, 227-235.


Barling, J. Fincham, F.D. (1978). Performance standards in learning disabled, normal achieving and gifted children.  Journal of Behavioural Science, 2, 307-308.


Bolon, K., & Barling, J. (1978).  Alcohol consumption, expectancy and multi-dimensional locus of control in male and female social drinkers.  Journal of Behavioural Science, 2, 331-337.


Wulfsohn, D., & Barling, J. (1978). From external to self-control:  Behavioral treatment of trichotillomania in an eleven year old child. Psychological Reports, 42, 1171-1174.


Barling J., & Lanham, W. (1978). Consequences of birth control beliefs amongst Black, Coloured, Indian and White South Africans.  Journal of Social Psychology, 105, 149-150.


Barling, J., (1978). The image of behaviour modification: A critical analysis. South African Journal of Psychology, 9, 98-103.


Barling, J. (1977). Increasing isolation and specialization of applied behavior analysis within behavior modification.  Psychological Reports, 40, 1047-1050.


Barling, J. (1977). An empirical test of Maslow’s theory of work motivation in an industrial setting. Psychologia Africana, 17, 99-110.


Barling, J. (1977). A critical review of the application of Maslow’s motivation theory in industry. Perspectives in Industrial Psychology, 3, 3-36.


Barling J., & Neall, R.J. (1977). Organizational acceleration: An irrelevant variable? South African Journal of Psychology, 7, 54-61.


Saad, L.J., & Barling, J. (1977). Relating pay incentives to work performance:  Effects of fixed ratio (group and individual contingent) versus fixed interval reinforcement in industry.  Psychologia Africana, 17, 135-142.


Barling J., & Hannon, A.E. (1977). Self-control:  The target of behaviour modification.  Psychotherapeia, 3, 1923.


Barling, J. (1976). Organizational behavior modification (A book review).  Psychologia Africana, 16, 215-216.


Barling, J. (1976). Behavioural treatment of enuresis and encopresis in a young boy.  South African Journal of Medicine, 50, 1274.


Barling, J. (1976). An empirical test of the “career stages” alternative to Maslow’s need  hierarchy in an industrial setting. South African Journal of Psychology, 6, 52-56.


Barling, J., & Zimbler, A. (1976). A descriptive analysis of the activities of the Johannesburg Crisis Clinic and some implications for community mental health.  Psychotherapeia, 2, 17-24.


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