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Kelsey (Tulloch) Hahn         

Kristy Holmes                      

Rebecca Lys                         

Nick Turner                          

Erin Reid                              

Niro Sivanathan                   


Current Graduate Students

 Kaylee Somerville, PhD Student

Michaela Scanlon, PhD candidate   

 Alyssa Grocutt, PhD candidate    

 Shani Pupco, PhD candidate                                      


Former Graduate Students

Masters Students

Stacie Byrne                     

Jennifer Carson Marr 

Inez Dekker   

Heather Dezan       

Cecilia Elving                      

Leanne Greenberg

Milena Guberinic                 

Doctoral Students

 Anika Cloutier

Romantic Relationships and Leadership

Melissa Trivisonno
A passion for leadership: Three studies

Cindy Suurd Ralph
Leader inconsistency, subjective attitude ambivalence and follower outcomes


Julie Weatherhead
Revisiting the nature of transformational leadership: How followers’ affect matters

Amy (Bergenwall) Akers 
The influence of leadership and extreme contexts on physical and psychological outcomes.

Kara Arnold
Dirty work and well-being.

Steve Bluen
Consequences and moderators of industrial relations stressors.

Alyson Byrne
Three studies of counterintuitive effects of organizational status.

Erica Carleton
Sleep well, work well: Three studies.

Amy Christie
Status, relatively speaking: Extending the organizational focus on status and status inequality.

Angela Dionisi
Vicarious exposure to male sexual harassment: Correlates, perceived motives and ethical evaluations, and behavioral responses.

Kathryne Dupré
Beating up the boss: The prediction and prevention of interpersonal aggression targeting workplace supervisors.

Clive Fullagar
Causes, correlates, and outcomes of union commitment.

Sally Ann Grant
Linking unemployment and marital functioning: A meditational model.


C. Gail Hepburn
Voting and abstaining from voting in union representation elections.

Sandy Hershcovis
The prediction and consequences of workplace aggression: A meta-analytic approach.

Susan Higginbottom
Linking the quality of the retirement experience to marital satisfaction: A meditational model.

Colette Hoption
Toward a relational and dynamic perspective of leadership.

Michelle Inness
The person and the situation: Predicting well-being outcomes at work.

Kevin Kelloway
Members’ participation in local union activities: Measurement, prediction and replication.

I. P. Kryl
Causal modeling of predictors and outcomes of trade union participation.


Manon LeBlanc
The effects of partner aggression on women’s work.


Catherine A. Loughlin
Toward a model of healthy work for full-time, part-time and contract employment.

Karyl E. MacEwan
A social learning approach to refining the link between family of origin aggression and current relationship aggression.


Morie Mendelson
The nature of high involvement work systems: A test of competing models.

Jennifer Robertson
Greening organizations: The roles of leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors.

Wendy E. Stewart
Fathers’ work experiences and their children’s social behaviors and school competencies.


Barry Wright
An empirical examination of the outcome effects of downsizing on decision makers.

Anthea Zacharatos
An organization and employee level investigation of the relationship between high performance work systems and workplace safety.

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